Nearly 50 years ago, two men were inspired to make a change and bring awareness regarding the critical environmental issues facing the planet. Activist John McConnell and Senator Gaylord Nelson each established a unique day in the spring of 1970, and both celebrations are known as Earth Day. McConnell made it onto the calendar first, with the Spring Equinox (March 20th in 2016) being his chosen day ; Nelson’s campaign originated on, and still takes place on, April 22nd annually. While the men had different approaches to conservation, they both saw the great need for education and awareness. Plants, trees and flowers are so vital to our ecosystems and livelihoods, that ensuring a plan of action to protect them – as well as providing clean air and water – drove both men to action. While both get recognition for their efforts, it is the April 22 date which has established itself as the mainstream Earth Day.

These days, a popular Earth Day activity is planting trees and flowers around local communities to replace those lost to growth and development. This Earth Day, you could consider planting around your home, parks, schools and common areas. Plants purify air, kill toxins and promote a general sense of well being – everyone loves being surrounded by green pants and flowers!
The spring season brings anticipation of new life, and an eagerness to freshen up our space. Adding green plants or floral bouquets at your home or office is a great way to bring life and beauty to our space. At Gainan’s, we love to design beautiful planters, terrariums and spring arrangements. For the upcoming Earth Day celebrations, commemorate the day by bringing a bit of nature indoors, while enjoying all the benefits they provide.

Taking care of our section of the Earth is a privilege and a responsibility. Join Gainan’s Flowers this Earth Day, and help deliver the green across Billings!