Gainan's Flowers & Garden Center

Gainan's Flowers & Garden Center

Posted by gainans on April 18, 2009 | Last Updated: June 12, 2019 Uncategorized

Planting a New Lawn

Use the following steps to lead you to a lasting, beautiful lawn:

  • Test the soil
  • Remove debris
  • Control persistent weeds
  • Rough grade the site
  • Add high phosphate starter fertilizer or Jirdon Lawn & Garden Fertilizer
  • Add soil amendments or topsoil to condition the soil
  • Cultivate thoroughly to at least 6 inches
  • Install underground irrigation if desired
  • Final grade the site and settle excavation areas with a rake. This is important in order to prevent
  • scalping from lawn mowers and water puddles later on.
  • Roll Lightly

Planting: Scatter grass seeds evenly over the soil, either by hand or using a spreader. If you hand scatter, sow half as you walk at right angles to the first direction. Scatter seeds at the rate recommended on the package. Use a steel rake to lightly scratch seeds into the soil; don’t stir deeply, and don’t try to cover every seed. Cover the soil with 1/4 inch deep layer of organic mulch. (Dampen dry peat moss before you spread it.) The mulch will keep the upper soil layer from drying out too fast.

Using a mechanical spreader, apply a lawn fertilizer evenly over the surface, following bag directions. Don’t use a fertilizer combined with a weed killer or week preventer because the grass will not germinate. Water the entire lawn with a fine even spray. Soak the soil to 4-6 inches, being careful not to let water puddle or wash seeds away. Water often to keep the soil moist for the first few weeks, as often as three times a day.

Varieties: Shady Lawn Mix: a combination of bluegrass, fine leaf fescues, and perennial ryegrasses. It is designed for north sides of homes, under trees, or other shady areas. It is a proven performer with excellent resistance to disease.

Creeping Red Fescue: another good grass for shade, and also tolerates drought-dry soil. It has a fine texture, deep green color and tolerates acid soil.

Rocky Mountain Bluegrass: A favorite for a carpet of lush dense green bluegrass.

Lo Profile Dry land Mix: A spreading type of crested wheatgrass that grows 6-8″ tall.

Tuff Turf: The best mix for the lowest maintenance lawn. It is a special mixture of turf-type perennial ryegrass, a hard fescue, and drought tolerant bluegrass. It was developed in the Rocky Mountain area and has proven its adaptability. It produces a dark green, low growing fine textured turf with exceptional durability and overall turf quality. Great for parks, recreational areas, athletic fields, and home lawns.

 Fertilizer: The ideal fertilizing schedule is as follows:

Jirdon’s Lawn & Garden 12-12-4 applied in early spring when the grass is starting to turn green. Great for young lawns and thickening old ones.

Jirdon’s Weed & Feed 20-10-15, applied in mid-May when weeds are young.

Jirdon’s Greenmaster 25-5-5, applied in mid-August cool nights.

Jirdon’s Winterizer 18-6-12, applied in late September to store nutrients.