This bouquet stirs together a mix of carnations, daisies and accents arranged with care and topped off with a heart pick. The ultimate treat to brew up smiles & warm hearts.
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NOTE: Delivery or pickup starting February 8th.
Colors of cup will vary.

Cupid's Blend

Cupid's Blend

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During checkout, you may be offered additional finishing touches like chocolates, plush animals, or hand-written cards Gift options available at checkout
Limited Availability

Occasionally, due to limited varieties and quantities, bouquets may be designed with thoughtful substitutions without prior notification. Care is taken to maintain the style, theme and color scheme of the arrangement using flowers of equal value.

A perfect recipe for romance! This charming bouquet stirs together a mix of carnations, daisies and accents arranged with care and topped off with a heart pick. It's the ultimate treat to brew up smiles and warm hearts.

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